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How to Wipe your Drive and Destroy your Data?

08 Sep 2022

Throughout history, there have been myriad individual accounts of people who neglected to guarantee the longevity of their deeds and ended up wrecking the documents that would have benefited them. Endeavors like wiping a hard drive and erasing all original data are one such way to take steps in ensuring your digital assets are preserved. This sort of electronic purging is typically deemed as ameliorating data security, but as exemplified by recent events it is imperative to make sure every digital action undertaken progresses with caution. The damage produced if not comprehensive can become quite extensive, ranging from poor market performance to impacting staffing decisions, and even influencing economic policy.

Knowing how to properly wipe a computer drive and remove all traces of storage from its hard disk will help ensure that data is completely destroyed so it is never recoverable. In today’s guide, we will show you how to wipe your drive and destroy your data prudently.

The Quick Way To Wipe Your Drive and Destroy Your Data

Your data is valuable to you, and you want to make sure it’s safe from prying eyes. But what if your computer is pilfered, or you die, and your family finds your hard drive? How can you be certain that your data will be safe?

The impeccable way to protect your data is to wipe the drive and destroy the data. This may sound extreme, but it’s the only way to be absolutely certain that your data is safe. Wiping a drive overwrites all of the data on the drive, making it impossible to recover. Destroying a drive physically destroys the disk platters, making it impossible to recover any data.

To wipe your drive, you'll need a program that can write over every sector of your drive with random data. One of the soundest precautions that can be taken is going through Drive Wipe Programs to clean your data and hide/scramble or delete whatever it is you don't want from prying eyes before you leave the country or government databases get snooped on. This program is a good option if you're about to head out on vacation for an extended period of time without internet access, need something to pass the time, or are just preparing for any unforeseen events that may happen in the future.

There are many programs that can do this, but we recommend DBAN. It's free and it supports most hard drives. Once you've downloaded DBAN, burn it to a CD or USB drive. Then boot from the DBAN CD or USB drive and follow the instructions. DBAN will automatically detect your hard drive and start wiping it clean. Depending on the size of your hard drive, this process could take several hours.

Steps to Safely Destroy Your Data on Your Windows 11 PC

When you delete a file on Windows 10/11, it doesn't actually get deleted. Instead, the system just marks the space as being available for writing new data. That means that if you want to make sure your data is really gone, you need to take some additional steps. Here's how:

· Use a Windows tool to create a full system backup. This will include all of your personal files, as well as any installed programs and settings.

· Once you have a full backup, format the hard drive using the NTFS file system. This will erase all of the files and partitions on the drive, making it impossible to recover any data.

· Finally, use a secure erase program to write over every sector of the hard drive with random data. This will ensure that even if someone were able to somehow access your data, they would only be able to see gibberish.

The Extensive Way To Wipe Your Data Safely on HDDs and SSDs

There's a right way and a wrong way to wipe files from hard drives (HDDs) and solid state drives (SSDs), and the difference is important if you're concerned about someone recovering your deleted files. The best method for securely wiping data is to use specialized software that writes over the entire drive multiple times with random data. But if you're selling or otherwise disposing of the drive, there are other methods that will also work.

The most important thing to know is that simply deleting files or formatting a drive does not erase the underlying data. That means even after you've "deleted" all the files on your HDD or SSD, someone could still recover them with the right tools. That's why it's important to use a secure wiping tool that will write over every single bit on the drive with randomized data.

When you're ready to delete a file for good, the process is a bit different depending on whether you're using an HDD or SSD. With an HDD, you can just format the drive and be confident that your data is gone. But with an SSD, things are a bit more complicated—simply formatting won't completely wipe your files (although it will make them pretty darn difficult to recover). To completely erase data on an SSD, you need to use a specialized program that will overwrite every single bit of information on the drive.

Here's a step-by-step guide to wiping files on both HDDs and SSDs:

1. On both Windows and Mac, open the Disk Utility application.

2. Find the drive you want to erase on the left side of the window.

3. Select the drive by clicking on it, then click "Erase" at the top of the window.

4. Choose a name for your drive and select the format you want to use. For HDDs, choose "Mac OS Extended (Journaled)" or "MS-DOS (FAT)"; for SSDs, choose "APFS" or "macOS Extended (Journaled)." Click "Erase" to confirm your selection and start erasing your files.

If you want to make sure that the files are completely gone and can't be recovered, you can use a file shredder program to overwrite them multiple times. Once they've been shredded, they're gone forever!

Destroying Your Drive

When you want to make sure that your data is completely and irrevocably destroyed, you need to take special care. There are various methods of complete drive destruction, but some are more thorough than others. Here are some of the most effective ways to destroy your drive and all of the data it contains:

One way to ensure complete drive destruction is to physically remove the hard drive from the computer and then destroy it with a hammer or other heavy object. This will render the disk unusable and prevent any data recovery attempts. Hit the drive with a hammer all over its surface. You want to make sure that each and every part of the drive is hit so that it is completely destroyed. Once you have finished, your data will be irrecoverably lost, and your drive will be unusable.

Another method is to use a powerful magnet to wipe the entire drive clean. This will also irreparably damage the disk so that it can never be used again.

A third option is to incinerate the hard drive. This will completely destroy the physical structure of the disk, making it impossible to retrieve any data from it.

Can My Disk Data Truly Be Unearthed?

The answer to this question is a resounding yes! Not only can your disk data be discovered, but it can also be easily recovered with the right tools. Even if you delete files from your hard drive, they can still be recovered by someone with the proper knowledge and tools. So, if you have sensitive data on your hard drive, it is important to take steps to protect it. One way to do this is to encrypt your disk data. This will make it much more difficult for someone to recover your data if they don’t have the key to decrypt it.

Can I Recover My Disk Data?

If you're trying to recover lost or deleted data from a hard drive, the answer is "probably." Data can be recovered from reformatted, failed, or even broken drives with the right tools and expertise. However, there is no guarantee that all of your data will be recovered, and the process can be costly. If you're not sure whether you want to attempt data recovery yourself or hire a professional, consider the following factors:

· The value of the data: If the data is irreplaceable or extremely valuable, it may be worth hiring a professional.

· The type of damage: Some types of damage (e.g., physical damage to the disk) make it more difficult (and sometimes impossible) to recover data.

· Your level of expertise: If you're not confident in your ability to recover data safely and successfully, it's probably best to leave it to a professional.

Probability of Damaging SSD

There is no definitive answer, as it depends on how you wipe your hard drive. If you use a secure wiping tool that overwrites all data on the drive, including deleted files and free space, then it is unlikely to damage your SSD. However, if you simply delete files or format the drive without securely wiping it first, there is a chance that sensitive data could be recovered from the SSD later. For this reason, it is always best to erase your hard drive completely before selling or disposing of it.


It’s that time of the month again – your computer is full of work files, paid invoices, and sensitive personal information. But before you start wiping everything down, there are a few things you need to know to keep your data safe and destroy any evidence of what you were doing on your computer. In this article, we outlined the different methods for wiping a drive and destroying data, so you can make sure that no one can ever use it against you. Make sure to read through all of the tips so that you know exactly what to do in situations like these!